It is that time of year again. The NTSSUG has two spots coming open on the board. Last year I decided at the last minute to opt in as a candidate and lost out to the great Russ and Fernando.
A year has gone by and my dedication to community and giving back to the up and coming data professional has strengthened. So I have once again decided to throw my hat in the ring and see what comes of the election process.
Unfortunately, I have a scheduling conflict with tonight’s meeting where they let candidates speak and answer questions.
So I created a very simple 2 minute video where I introduce myself and my current platform and desire for joining the board.
Garry Bargsley Board Video 2019
I believe the team is going to show the video this evening during the meeting. 😬😬
So it is a great time for you to take in all the candidates information and vote when you get your email with the ballot. I won’t say vote for me, just vote so your voice can be heard.