The long awaited official release of dbatools v1.0 is upon us. Today at DataGrillen the official launch will happen and the release to the PowerShell Gallery will shortly follow. This version has been a long time in the making with tons and tons of awesome community contributors.
As you may or may not know, dbatools is completely developed by the community for the community. It started as a migration project developed by Chrissy LeMaire ( t ) and has exploded in to a tool that helps thousands of DBA’s around the world every day. Personally, I am one of those DBA’s that it has helped tremendously over the 3 years I have come to be a user of the tool. I was always the person who shied away from PowerShell as just another developers language. I was able to piece things together I found on Google and other Internet resources. But until I found what was the early versions of some of the dbatools function I did not understand how powerful the combination of PowerShell, SQL Server and dbatools would eventually become. dbatools allows you to perform a vast array of DBA processes without actually having to understand the code or do any development yourself. The dbatools set of functions handles all the heavy lifting for you. So if you want to copy a login from one SQL Server to another or better yet 100 other servers, you simply use the Copy-DbaLogin function and pass in the appropriate parameters and off you go. No need to learn SMO or PowerShell internals, just install the module and start running functions.
With the milestone of v1.0 you will get the latest and greatest of the module below.
- Integration Tests for All Functions
- Each function is required to have an integration test. This allows you to feel comfortable that the most popular executions of the function have been tested prior to being released.
- Standardized Help
- Each function utilizes the PowerShell help system and has built in help data to easily understand how the functions are used.
- Standardized auto generated Online Docs
- The custom built documentation reads data from the actual functions code to programmatically build the Online Documentation for each function.
- Parameter and output consistency
- Each function utilizes similar parameters has been standardized for consistency. If you are going to connect to a SQL server the parameter will be -SqlInstance across all functions.
- Strong list of functions that cover most if not all of SQL Server
- Currently there are 500+ functions that make up the dbatools module with more being added frequently
This release is a great testament to the power of team projects and great leaders. You are talking about a community project with people all over the world coming together in an organized fashion to build such a cohesive well organized public project. There are for profit companies that struggle with what this team has accomplished. And with the great visionaries and leaders driving the project and its high standards great things will continue to come.
So congrats and hats off to a job well done and here is looking forward to v2.0!!!