This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is being hosted by Mikey Bronowski. The subject he chose is “The outstanding tools of the trade that make your job awesome.” Tools are the cornerstone of our industry. The SQL Server community is excellent about taking something that they create for personal reasons and sharing it with the masses. It is a great thing to see as I have taken advantage of many of these tools in my daily life.
My post for T-SQL Tuesday #135 is going to outline tools that make my life more organized. About 6 months ago, I was struggling with feeling organized in my personal life and work. I have always prided myself on being able to handle any task or project thrown my way. With that said, I started reading the book Getting Things Done, and there were a lot of great suggestions given. The three tools below have helped me stay organized digitally and feel much better about getting things accomplished.
Microsoft To Do
I have gone through multiple methods of trying to keep track of thoughts and tasks. I started using To Do for managing my personal tasks first. This was so helpful as I could have a list for each week with each day listed. I then keep what I need to do daily. ( Monday Vacuum, Wednesday Laundry, Friday Dr. Appt, etc.) This was a great help as I would review my list before I go to bed for the next day, and that refreshes my mind of what needs to get accomplished for the next day. And with a wife and 4-year-old son who are always coming and going, it helps keep that insight and prevents me from double booking time.
Pocket was introduced to me by someone on Twitter. I had seen someone suggest ways to track websites for review in the future. So I gave it a look and started using it to track websites I come across that I want to keep for future reference or read later. I have created tags that group the websites together and make them easy to search and review. This tool has helped me organize websites to choose a new laptop computer and recliner. So it has really proved to be a useful tool for managing websites. And it has a great app for the iPhone and iPad, and Windows Computer.
Feedly is an RSS aggregator or feed manager, depending on how you look at it. There are so many blogs on the interwebs that talk about SQL, PowerShell, Azure, etc., areas which I am heavily interested in. So with Feedly, I can add the blogs I want to follow, and each time a new blog post is released by that author, it shows up in my Feedly feed. And what is even better, as I read them, they are removed from the list, so I don’t run across or read anything multiple times. One thing with using Feedly is you can get behind on all the blogs that can come in. But I will never run out of reading material…
You can see the three tools that are exciting to me at present. These help me personally and professionally, and it is hard to find tools that help multiple aspects of your life.
Thank you, Mikey B, for hosting T-SQL Tuesday #135.