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A couple weeks ago we had a group of users ask for help with reports that they could no longer run.
What?! These reports have been running for months without any issues and now there is a problem?! Well, I logged in to SSRS and proceeded to the report(s). And…sure enough the report had an error loading the data source.
Let’s check the data source!!
Well, wouldn’t you know it; there is a username of an individual who is no longer with the company and that account has now been disabled as per security policy.
This is not a standard practice for our data sources so it was an anomaly that has occurred.
After fixing it, I wondered if we have any other “anomalies” that might be sneaking around our SSRS environment?
Off to Google I go to see how easy or not it is to find all the usernames being used by SSRS data sources.
Ha!!! Not so easy as I would think it would have been. I found a possibility that uses the built in RS.exe and some C# code.
Reference to RS.exe example: SQL Server Central Forum
But then I thought PowerShell has been a life saver for other DBA related tasks, so I turned to that tool and my thinking was again this should be easy.
After asking on Slack and getting a couple people that had advise, Friedrich Weinmann (b | t) threw out some code that I still am in awww of and not 100% sure what it does.
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$WebServiceUrl = ''; $ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $WebServiceUrl -UseDefaultCredential; $items = $ssrs.ListChildren("/",$true); $property_username = @{ n = "UserName"; e = { if ($_.Type -eq 'datasource') {$ssrs.GetDataSourceContents($_.Path).UserName} } } $items | Where-Object Type -EQ "Datasource" | Select-Object Name, Path, $property_username | Export-Csv C:\Temp\SSRSDataSourceUserNames_SSRS_ServerName.txt -Append |
That code was much cleaner than the 30 lines I had started hacking together.
So now I have the ability to do an audit on all Data Sources on any SSRS server in my environment.
Off to the next one…
You may have a different URI depending on your SSRS version. See link for more detail.
Handy! Nice formatting as well